I sailed across the ocean! We took the Celebrity Silhouette from Southampton, United Kingdom to Miami, Florida on October 25, 2022.
Here’s my full review:
Four Things I wasn’t expecting:
Good weather -I was ready for stormy days. I didn’t expect our seven sea days to feel like a Caribbean cruise.
The delight of wailing from east to west
How much there was to do - I was a little worried I’d get bored. I was surprised how quickly we got in to the routine outlined in the video.
How many people only sail transatlantic sailings - I knew transatlantic sailings sell out fast, but I didn’t know it’s because so many people only sail these types of sailings.
Would I do it again? I have to be honest. During those first two rough sea days, I told my husband we made a big mistake and should have flown home. I calmed down as the seas got more predictable. I would do it again. We are already booked on a 7 night transatlantic sailing on the Queen Mary 2 next year.
What do you think? Do you want to sail across the Atlantic ocean? Email Angie@TripswithAngie.com to review your options. You can even join me on the Queen Mary 2.